Tuesday, 9 April 2013

What are the differences between structures and union?

What are the differences between structures and union?
Ans: A structure variable contains each of the named members, and its size is large enough to hold all the members. Structure elements are of same size.
A union contains one of the named members at a given time and is large enough to hold the largest member. Union element can be of different sizes.

Difference Between Stucture and Union :

i. Access Members     
We can access all the members of structure at anytime.Only one member of union can be accessed at anytime.
ii. Memory Allocation     
Memory is allocated for all variables.Allocates memory for variable which variable require more memory.
iii. Initialization     
All members of structure can be initializedOnly the first member of a union can be initialized.
iv. Keyword     
'struct' keyword is used to declare structure.'union' keyword is used to declare union.
v. Syntax     
struct struct_name
    structure element 1;
    structure element 2;
    structure element n;
union union_name
    union element 1;
    union element 2;
    union element n;
vi. Example     
struct item_mst
    int rno;
    char nm[50];
union item_mst
    int rno;
    char nm[50];

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